


想知道如何在你的生活空间上留下你的印记? It’s the (seemingly) smaller calls that show that your home is truly where your heart is. 我们都知道“好骨头”在建筑中的重要性, 但除此之外, 是你的家具, 墙面装饰, 口音, 木制品和更多能说明你是谁的东西. 你如何在你的住所中加入自己的风格和个性? 不要再说了…….



手工打结的地毯 格雷戈里地毯

引用Maria在 音乐之声从头说起……. 脚下精致的地毯让空间飞升. 格雷戈里打, 格里高利·拉格斯的副总裁, 建议用一种独一无二的纺织品装饰你的房间. 它的颜色——像这个的亮蓝色和紫色 手结地毯-可以形成一个空间的基础,并作为灵感. 在家里展示一件编织艺术品可以营造出一种异国情调, 对生活中美好的事物表达感激之情. 几十年的传统和工艺嵌入每一根纤维.




运用颜色, 利用你的墙壁, 修剪, 橱柜, 天花板, 门或一件显眼的家具作为你的画布, 这是一个让你的家充满个性的好方法吗. 欧洲名画, the firm that brought the incomparable and time-tested enamels of Holland to the U.S.她有一系列奢华的色调来捕捉每一种情绪和心态. 你可以称他们为“荷兰大师”,” as their lines have taken the art—and durability—of decorative paint to a higher level stateside.

他们的许多收藏品, 名字像“古根海姆色彩”,” “The Designer 收集ions” and “British Standard 油漆 Colors” bring homeowners show-stopping brights, 发光的中性色, regal classics and countless ways to create singular interiors and exteriors. And it goes beyond tone; multiple finishes and coatings catch the light differently to achieve a matte, 丝质或高光泽效果. 选择太多? 别担心, 欧洲名画’s Color Strategist Emmitt Fiore can come to your aid to develop a full color palette for your home or get that small project just right.


Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商; photo by Richard Mandelkorn

Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商; photo by Richard Mandelkorn

Custom 橱柜 adds not only beauty and practicality; it can also create one-of-a-kind living spaces that—quite literally—are tailor-made for the homeowner. 这里展示了壮观的厨房, 在木材和玻璃工作的研究与一系列的完成, Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商 worked with a particularly adventurous client to craft a cohesive space that realizes her “full bank of memories and things that she loves,总统保罗·雷特坚持道.

Custom 橱柜 adds not only beauty and practicality; it can also create one-of-a-kind living spaces that—quite literally—are tailor made for the homeowner. 这里展示了壮观的厨房, 在木材和玻璃工作的研究与一系列的完成

Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商; photo by Richard Mandelkorn

While highly functional—the kitchen incorporates elements like a dedicated baking island with 专门的存储, and a space for the dogs under the pantry—it’s how the room combines elements that are “both interesting and familiar” to the homeowner that makes it exceptional. 房主以前住过一些漂亮的房子, 尤其是在伦敦, 她想把那些地方的记忆灌输到她的新空间里. She also sought to display a varied collection of quirky and beloved objects she’s amassed over the years.

Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商; photo by Richard Mandelkorn

Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商; photo by Richard Mandelkorn

幸福的, Reidt is a big fan of surrounding oneself with “things that are evocative of pleasant times,” so he and his firm developed glass shelving along the window that would display her wares yet let in plenty of natural light. 虽然这个特殊的客户不需要刺激, Reidt reveals that he often encourages his customers to carve out places they can populate with things that personalize their space. 他说,这些细节提供了“意义的视觉注释”.”



A 手工雕刻的壁炉架 来自波士顿精细家居细节的牛顿展厅

投资一个陈述器,然后个性化它. Boston Fine 首页 Details offers bespoke hand carved marble and limestone mantels. 壁炉已经为一项研究的设计提供了燃料, 客厅或主卧, 但如果你参与了它的艺术创作,那就更特别了. “你做梦吧?, 我们可以雕刻它,公司提议道。, whether you’re looking for an ornate mantel in the classical tradition or for a sleek, 更多的 当代看.


西奥 & 伊莎贝拉设计集团

室内设计 由西奥 & 伊莎贝拉设计集团

Give prominence to pieces that are meaningful to you for daily encounters with the things you love. 西奥 & 伊莎贝拉设计集团 is a big believer in imparting interiors with purposeful 口音. 一个客户的家庭娱乐室, 他们不仅展示了主人的马格里卡藏品, 他们加入了, fully realizing the display and adding a punch of brightness to the otherwise neutral room. The oyster plates also remind the owner of her southern home in the Carolinas and serve to reflect that connection.

室内设计/ 西奥 & 伊莎贝拉设计集团为同一家庭的上大学的儿子设计, 这些与卡罗来纳州的联系以不同的方式表达出来, and evoked by the turtle shells exhibited on the dresser and in the print on the wall. 贝壳是

室内设计/ 西奥 & 伊莎贝拉设计集团

为了家里上大学的儿子, 这些与卡罗来纳州的联系以不同的方式表达出来, and evoked by the turtle shells exhibited on the dresser and in the print on the wall. 贝壳是e also selected for their inherent beauty, and the sculptural way they fill the space. 同样的注意被给予形状和形式的 的皮革 catcher’s mitt, mask and glove, which, mounted above the bed, bring added dimension. The trio also speaks to the son’s ball-playing days for high school and college teams.  




Give your 橱柜 and doors a “best-dressed” distinction and swap out the hardware that came with the house for something that’s a reflection of you. 装饰黄铜 已经卷土重来,立即为家居带来奢华和精致. Brassworks Fine 首页 Details has long taken a shine to the versatile metal, and finds that it’s equally adept at warming up contemporary quarters or jazzing up traditional interiors.



(Above - Left: A French Beaux Arts Chandelier || Right: A neoclassical chandelier of gilt bronze and cobalt blue; 阿普尔顿古董灯饰)

就像一件精美的传家宝, 古董照明 can provide just the right finish to an architectural space, bringing both glamour and history. Emilia Deimezis of 阿普尔顿古董灯饰 would add that it also “humanizes” interiors, 我们非常同意. The period fixtures lovingly restored and/or sold by the shop not only brighten a room, 他们投了一个故事. Whether hung above the dinner table for generations in your own family or formerly gracing a great hall in Napoleonic Paris, 这些令人眼花缭乱的东西充分说明了它们的主人.


室内设计 周围的家 你喜欢中性并不意味着你喜欢香草. 环境之家的设计师比尔·巴尔当然不会, 他觉得被晒黑最舒服, 灰褐色和奶油色. 对他来说,是软的

室内设计 周围的家

你喜欢中性并不意味着你喜欢香草. 设计师Bill Barr 周围的家 certainly doesn’t, 他觉得被晒黑最舒服, 灰褐色和奶油色. 对他, 柔和的调色板为“好艺术”创造了令人放松的背景, 好风景和好朋友”,而且不会压倒别人. Barr recommends adding dimension by allowing texture and pattern to play a leading role (think vegan suede ottoman stools or a Palecek coffee table with a petrified wood inlay). 找到的物品也不容易在柔和的空间中丢失. 在楼上的客厅里, 巴尔展示珊瑚, 羽毛, 树枝和石头作为雕塑, 给一些画廊的地位与LED背光.
