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Custom kitchen

The success of a warm and welcoming new construction in a desirable Boston suburb was, in large part, 因为住院医生和 Soderholm Custom Builders had been here before. Owners Sam and Ken Soderholm had previously constructed two homes for this young family; they’ve watched the homeowners’ children grow, 他们的需求和生活方式随着年龄的变化而微妙地变化. So, 当时间来了,创造一个新的庄园为活跃的房子, 用双层床和安全门换作业空间的现代家庭, a smoothie zone and fireside cocoa, as well as inviting spaces for entertaining a tight-knit extended family and friends, Soderholm Custom Builders也在那里, as they had always been.

homework room

The shared history and experience of the previous builds informed the making of this next ‘generational’ house, a highly detailed, 完全宜居的住宅,将作为新的家庭所在地. 一旦找到了完美的场地,建筑师Tom Catalano, AIA的负责人 Catalano Architects, was charged with designing a legacy house that would support and enhance the busy, joy-filled years ahead. 

这家人一直对他们的家充满热情, but this time around, they had a confidence, too. The husband-and-wife team divided and conquered when addressing how their personal spaces should look and work, and were a unified front when collaborating on the entertaining and family spaces. They knew exactly what they wanted: a feel-good, functional environment that enriches every day. Soderholm定制建筑商知道如何让它发生, 第一步是将构建背后的人才聚集起来. 

“我们和房主关系很好,”山姆说,也许最重要的是,信任. “We were brought in very quickly to guide them in bringing in the rest of the team,” which, Catalano Architects事务所, included landscape architect Sudbury Design Group; landscape contractor The Schumacher Companies; interior design firm Bierly-Drake and Steele, Inc.; Peter Murray of Fine FinishHerrick & White Architectural WoodworkersWayne Towle Master Finishing and Restoration; Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商; and O’Hara & Company以及一长串其他顶级专业人士和分包商的名单.

“The homeowners had a very specific program that informed our design,” offers architect Tom Catalano. “They were seeking strong symmetry and balance of form that would allow for sun filled, comfortable spaces that welcomed their daily routines and offered additional functionality.“一楼由正式和休闲生活区组成, 以及为家庭提供的个人工作空间. “The two-story grand entry gradually transitions to more casual everyday living spaces, 以手工模压砖为特色,具有复杂而轻松的工业感觉.”


木制品在这个家里是必不可少的.  Early on, 我们决定在木制品中使用方形元素, 由Fine Finish的Peter Murray精心制作, painted “a very bright, shiny white to play it up,室内设计师克里斯·德雷克说. The door is by Herrick & White Architectural Woodworkers.

Every detail has import, and there is no doubt the homeowners’ thoughtful input elevated the home. They relayed,“这就是我们家的生活方式,这就是我们想要的生活方式,室内设计师克里斯·德雷克说, principal of Bierly-Drake and Steele. 他们知道孩子们的作业点应该在厨房附近, 每个孩子的储物柜都应该有一个充电站, 槽式水槽可能会减少牙膏的痕迹. Topics like how much water pressure is needed during the morning rush were also part of the conversation. Sam, 凭借他丰富的项目经验, 就靠琢磨这种细枝末节, locating efficiencies, and staying two steps ahead, 同时从不忽视大局. “I work on one project at a time,” says Sam, 从一尘不染的机械室里, 回答“你是怎么做到的”这个问题? before it’s asked. “I enjoy this,” he smiles. 

Great Room

“不太大的空间”受到了最多的关注. The great room, for example, 是一个高度复杂的空间,有裸露的砖柱和高档的, factory-meets-greenhouse sensibility that is both an aesthetic tour de force and a feat of engineering. It is also a testament to the work of Peter Murray; there is steel beneath the “linened” walls (a signature Bierly-Drake textural application) to support the decorative steel trusses and the skylight that pierces the ceiling to bathe the space in light. To create the space, Murray用MDF胶合板制作指南, explains Sam, and “John Kelley of Kelley Welding built us the steel to build the room based on those templates.” 

Paul Reidt, Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商(KR+H)负责人, 在构思厨房设计时,看了看大房间, using its “honest and casual” vocabulary to develop a friendly yet industrious space full of character and visual texture. Reidt “tried to find the right balance between the industrial feel and the level of refinement that the house demands,” he explains, and his firm ultimately landed on a rich combination of weathered wood from reclaimed barn board (finished with a “super dull topcoat”) for the oversized island, concrete countertops, and metalwork and glass cabinets that bring both shimmer and brawn into the heart of the home.

The lower level, what the interior design team describes as “a very funky and very fun family and guest hangout area with a ‘rathskeller’ sensibility,再次被设计为使用和享受. 比尔-德雷克和斯蒂尔合并了哈代公司, soft-to-the-feel indoor-outdoor fabrics and tempered the space’s industrial accents with furnishings in shades of toasty brown, 打捞的横梁和“居民对古董的强烈尊重的表达”.一个漂亮的吧台和水龙头区,由橱柜制造商Herrick精心打造 & White, was given a custom finish by Wayne Towle that delivers the time-tested tone of a favorite watering hole. 

Family room and Lounge

Architectural woodwork by Herrick & 白色,由Wayne Towle大师整理和修复的定制完成. 外露的横梁由新能源工厂设计.

Entry to home gym

The first floor level, while more formal in spirit, was also designed with mirth and mingling in mind; in fact, the house as a whole was set up to allow the homeowners to entertain family and friends on different levels at the same time. And, 虽然外面的信封有一个优雅的, intricately detailed architectural flair that is in keeping with the neighborhood context, inside, Catalano sought a comfortable design with playful elements that speak to the family’s values and lack of pretense. 虽然他采用了传统元素,但他说:“这不是一个保守的构图.”

Occasionally, there are moments of glam that underscore the homeowners’ convivial mindset and penchant for “a little sparkle.克里斯·德雷克和威尔·斯蒂尔很高兴地答应了, and answered by introducing mirrored elements that spotlight the architecture and a few fanciful focal points, 就像客厅酒吧里的珠宝盒. 

Wet bar and living room

As the owners love blue, the hue was interwoven with taupe and crisp white for a clean, current look. French Refined Limestone, dished and distressed, by Paris Ceramics, graces the hallways, foyer and great room. Owner Richard Abbott of Paris Ceramics shares that the stone will patina and age beautifully with time. 湿酒吧设有一个由Cumar, Inc .设计的缟玛瑙石柜台. that is backlit for added drama.

大多数房间通过一排精心设计的门向翠绿的后院敞开, illuminated by gas lanterns. 花岗岩门廊和露台作为“房子的连续平台”,萨德伯里设计集团的景观设计师scott Indermuehle解释道, 而不是作为把家人拉离的地方的目的地. 

porch and outdoor fire pit

The porch has automated Phantom screens, LED lighting and integrated speakers by DC Home Systems. O’Hara & 公司在其核心建造了壁炉. During construction, 彼得·默里的骨架一度“看起来像一个胸腔”,” says Sam, 支持所有的修剪,但允许屏幕开口. Right: A granite terrace, 四周环绕着新英格兰的田野石壁炉, 蚀刻在场地的地形上. Landscape construction by The Schumacher Companies; fireplace and stone walls by O’Hara & Company. Windows and doors by LePage Millwork; roof by Joseph T. Cazeault & Sons. 

dusk shot of suburban boston home

每个远景都与整体相关,但又有自己的完整性和精湛技艺. 事实上,尼克·奥哈拉,奥哈拉的老板 & Company, 它是“美丽的砂制砖混合物”, 国内花岗岩和新英格兰的粗石,” specified by the architect and landscape architect that attracted him to the project. O 'Hara的砖石结构贯穿了整个住宅的内部和外部, etched within the exposed brick, chimneys, fireplaces and outdoor spaces, 他喜欢各种媒介的相互作用.


“The formality at the front façade is tempered with a pergola running adjacent to the side wing at the northern part of the property,” offers Catalano. The brick detailing, by O’Hara & 公司,将建筑与地形联系起来,并引入颜色和纹理. Exterior trim by Fine Finish, Inc.

作为硬景观图案的陪衬, the terrain, 主要由地被植物和观赏树木组成的, takes a less-is-more approach. President Michael Coutu of Sudbury Design Group was thrilled that the team was able to “maintain the rolling character of the property,,营造出一种轻松优雅的整体效果. To achieve that end, landscape contractor The Schumacher Companies stitched the naturalized area of the wetland in with the cultivated lawn and plantings. Like an embrace, the landscape is nestled in snugly to the architecture in a way that allows the house to shine as brightly as its inhabitants.

The Team:
Construction: Soderholm Custom Builders
Architecture: Catalano Architects
Interior Design: Bierly-Drake and Steele, Inc.
Landscape Architecture: Sudbury Design Group
Landscape Construction: The Schumacher Companies
土木工程师:Metrowest Engineering
Masonry: O’Hara & Company
Millwork: Fine Finish; Kochman Reidt + Haigh橱柜制造商; Herrick & White, Ki3
Custom Finishing: 韦恩·托尔大师整理和修复
Stone: United Marble Fabricators; Cumar, Inc.
Limestone Flooring: Paris Ceramics
Home Automation: DC Home Systems
Fencing and Pergola: Walpole Outdoors
摄影:Gordon Beall, Randall Garnick, Warren Patterson